The tiny island of Sri Lanka is one of the largest tea producers, contributing to 11% of the world’s tea
production. Ceylon tea is famous its natural aroma, high quality and golden hue. It was a Scotsman named James Taylor who introduced tea cultivation to the island in 1867.
Today tea thrives in the sloping terrains of the inland mountainous regions, where plucking is done manually to ensure that only two leaves and an open bud is added to the collection.
The island produces three categories of tea, low, medium and high grown, according to the elevation and is sub divided into seven agro climatic districts.
Hyson tea concept is following: we strongly believe that gains are not measured by metric tons or profits alone but by the lives.
HYSON proudly offers a countless amount of blends, carefully selected to reflect the tastes of tea lovers. All blends are exclusively crafted by our Tea Masters and the secret of each recipe is carefully guarded. By blending essences, fruits,flowers and spices with different varieties of tea,
HYSON constantly innovates in order to to take the world of tea by surprise.
GMO Free
GMO stands for “genetically modified organism”, which is a new organism, not found in nature, created by scientists when they genetically modify or engineer food plants. Health and environmental risks with genetically modified foods have been identified. GMO free products are products which do not include modified organisms.
BRC Global Standards is a leading safety and quality certification programme, used by over 23,000 certificated suppliers in 123 countries, with certification issued through a worldwide network of accredited certification bodies. The Standards guarantee the standardisation of quality, safety and operational criteria and ensure that manufacturers fulfil their legal obligations and provide protection for the end consumer. BRC Global Standards are now often a fundamental requirement of leading retailers.
Food Safety Systems
Food safety is a global concern, not only because of the importance for public health, but also because of its impact on international trade. Globalisation of food production and procurement makes food chains longer and more complex and increases the risk of food safety incidents. Effective and harmonized food safety systems shall manage and ensure the safety and suitability of food in each link of the supply chain. For this reason ISO developed the standard for food safety management systems ISO 22000, which applies to all organizations in the food chain and thus ensures integrity of the chain.
Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. In reference to food, it is the dietary standard, as prescribed in the Koran. By official definition, Halal foods are those that are:
1. Free from any component that Muslims are prohibited from consuming according to Islamic law.
2. Processed, made, produced, manufactured and/or stored using utensils, equipment and/or machinery that have been cleansed according to Islamic law.
This system was already partially in place in 1950 and in 2000, the standards for fresh agricultural vegetable and processed organic products were introduced, followed by, in 2005, those for fresh and processed animal products.
JAS is the system regulating the methods used to obtain agricultural and agricultural food products destined for the Japanese market and their labelling.